God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!

God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!


Saturday, October 6, 2012


WOW! I don’t even know what else to say; there aren’t words. I’ve been communicating with Bill Windsor of Lawless America, a project to expose corruption in government and law in USA since March 2012, having accommodated his every request for my story about this corruption in America as it relates to me, plus documentation to prove my story and history. He even requested that I write a short script, around three pages, depicting the questions I’d want an interviewer to pose to me during the interview.
A week ago Bill e-mailed his annual once every two-week newsletter and latest schedule as he traveled around the country to interview other victims to crime and corruption in the US government and legal system. At the same time he’d pose ideas on information we the public could supply him with that would make our eventual interview better. Bill was particularly interested in hearing about authorities and officials involved with the crimes committed against us that he could interview in relation to these injustices. In my case this would be Sergeant Nichols, head of the economic crime unit for the Anaheim, police, whom after the Orange County, California DA sent him my file about federal crime to be investigated wrote me an obtuse form letter turning down the investigation on an 80M$ embezzlement from my trust account. And the OCDA lets Sergeant Nichols make the decision that ultimately put Larry, Malibu and me in the streets? Outrageous, since he doesn't do his job!
Of course I sent Bill lots of information he could use for my story, even SCOTUS Anthony M. Kennedy's involvement and the proof.

Bill e-mailed the day before yesterday that he’d be here at my tent at 9:00AM Oct 4, 2012 as scheduled for the last three months.
I must say I was really excited to finally be able to tell my story to Bill and on video. Plus I’d been very impressed with the work Bill had been doing. It seemed his project, with plans to be made into a film by June 2013, was growing more popular everyday.  
The information on Google was expanding weekly.
It also seemed for a long time my turn for an interview would never arrive since I’d been looking forward to it for seven months, while my small family and I have been on the brink of starving for the whole time.
And here it was finally Oct 4, 2012 and my turn.
I felt Bill Windsor was one of the few human beings on earth who had complete understanding of the crime and corruption plaguing this country, other than Larry, myself and those in the public dying in the streets unheard, because from what I understood about Bill, he’d had quite some horrendous experiences himself with injustices.
Unfortunately, people who haven’t been victims to these crimes committed ultimately by the authorities we should respect, have little understanding of how serious this issue is today? Ah, but Bill Windsor does and feels so strongly about the injustices that he decided to do something, interview other victims and produce a film.
On the morning of Oct 4, 2012 I took my usual walk around the RV Park with my friend Karen as I dominated the conversation with excitement over the interview with Bill Windsor and his crew. Karen was excited for me too and didn’t appear irritated with my constant chatter. In fact she’d often smile and remark, “We’ll give it over to God in prayer that everything goes well for you.”
Karen understands how much Larry, Malibu and I have suffered trying to get things done to not only expose injustices but also save our lives. She's been very kind to us by taking me to the grocery store, once a week, and sharing reading material. You see we no longer have a vehicle. So what Karen does for us is lifesaving.
When I returned from my walk around 7:30AM the 9:00AM appointment with Bill was looming and I didn’t have much time to get ready. I immediately gathered my toiletries, towel and clean clothes, making my usual 1 plus mile trek to the bathrooms to shower. Larry always carries my stuff for me to make it a little easier and I really love and appreciate him for this. In fact with what we've dealt with, it comes off as romantic.
When I returned to the tent, Larry informed me, “You just received an e-mail from Bill, he’s changing the time for the interview until tomorrow at 11:00AM.” I rolled my eyes with disappointment then settled down in front of the computer to tweet remarking, “Everything works for the best.”
Larry and I always agree with this evaluation. Sometimes I have trouble with it, not because I don’t believe it, I do, its just after what we’ve been through, the belief often isn’t comforting, but just more frustrating.
But never mind, I went about my marathon tweeting as usual excited with the thousands of visitors to my blog and the wonderful conversations I get to have with many people on Twitter:>)))
Fortunately the day was a bit cooler than it had been; I made my famous lasagna for dinner on the barbecue as extra moments were used to fight off our usual army of flies:>{
Evening TV was great, as it has been, these last couple of weeks with fall settling in and new programming. In the morning I jumped off our barely inflated air mattress; trekked to the bathrooms; made coffee; took Malibu out and went off for my walk. Karen had left town for the weekend.
By 10:00AM both Larry and I were showered, dressed, discussing Twitter and waiting for Bill to arrive with his crew. By 12:30PM he hadn’t shown nor had there been a phone call? I wasn’t too concerned as I’m aware of what filming can be like and how it often takes much longer than planned, plus Bill mentioned in one of his twice monthly e-mail newsletters that he’s often late for appointments for interviews because there’s many times unexpected occurrences…"be patient" he writes.
Then the phone rang. Since our cell phone won’t work near our tent, I observed the displayed number and the area code was San Diego. I assumed it was Bill and ran up the hill, phone in hand, to call the number back or at least listen to the probable message?
It was Bill’s message I listened to first saying, “I’m about twenty minutes out from being there, sorry I’m so late but I’ll be there.” I didn’t bother to call him back, he knew my phone didn’t work at the tent and there was no reason for me to use up precious minutes when his message was quite clear, he’d be here in twenty minutes. So I walked back to the tent; explained to Larry about what was going on and we waited at this point another ten minutes for Bill.
Did you know that in Colorado when asking when someone will be arriving, calling, be home etc. the answer is always “In twenty minutes”? I get a chuckle out of it because after living in Colorado for over seven years I'd have to say, “Its true, Coloradans have one time to quote & it’s always twenty minutes.”
Anyway, by 3:00PM my mind was wandering, Bill still hadn’t arrived. I even wondered if he perhaps had an accident? I knew he couldn’t possibly get lost if he was twenty minutes away? It’s a straight shot!
Now Larry takes the phone on a trek up the hill to call Bill and find out what’s going on?
And, this is what Bill says, “I was there two hours ago and couldn’t find you. I took a picture of your tent. We’ll have to do the interview over the Internet.”
When Larry returned to the tent with this message I must say I felt shock, victimized and angry!
I said, “What? We have been here all day; there’s not one other tent in this RV Park; I e-mailed perfect directions straight to our tent and gave him our phone number to call should he get lost. The last thing I wrote was how I’d know it was he calling by the area code displayed and walk up towards the office to greet him, leading him to the tent.”
Larry adds, “You’re right plus had he actually come near our tent BuBu would have barked his head off. Bill never came here?” I break in with, “I know, is he lying? Great a possible liar interviewing victims of government and legal corruption! Just what America needs? Then he’s filming all this as he claims his devotion to the victims and justice? Bill will not be writing anything about me, we’ll continue on our own until we meet allies of honesty, truth and their conviction to it!”

Hum, I wonder if someone got to Bill and threatened his life if he exposed SCOTUS Anthony M. Kennedy and his involvement with creating my trust as my attorney, while it got embezzled? And, the untruth Bill spoke was instead of telling me this happened?

By: Deborah Breuner
Please visit the link below for more truths;
KeiserReport: Mr. Gold vs Chump Economists

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