God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!

God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!


Thursday, November 29, 2012



It is said and understood that when one comes to the end of their life, or believes they have, there’s a calm that comes over them of acceptance. Obviously, survivors of near death experiences often report this calm. In our minds we see near death experiences as sudden threats to our life such as an auto accident, near miss plane crash, medical procedure gone wrong and terminal illness.

But there is another death experience occurring today all over the USA; it’s not near death, it’s plain old death that we know is coming very slowly and painfully! It’s called dying of starvation and exposure while living in the streets. What’s sad about this death is it can and should be prevented by simple caring about another human, which our government surely has demonstrated, they do not, and society mostly embraces the same attitude! Who teaches society to treat each other in this manner? I believe it’s our leaders. They are supposed to be above the rest of us setting an example, while they do not. Instead they are the biggest criminals in society.

Acceptance of death because of this doesn’t come as easily because with acceptance one must accept the cruelty of our US Government and the people; a government and people who could if they chose actually put themselves out for another human but they just can’t be bothered. We can’t even help the vets, as they return home, from fighting for our freedom. Worse yet, we actually have no freedom in America anymore so these warriors are fighting for what? Many even know about the inside jobs, also known as domestic terrorism, our own government has concocted against the USA and the people.

When we see another human being suffering from starvation and exposure in the USA we do a number of useless things that apparently allows us to feel good about ourselves, but not much of this entails actual help. The government doesn’t care, while the public in general thinks little about their fellow human being other than, “don’t bother me.”

Our charities and churches refuse to help victims, they’re busy hording all donations, while the government ignores this crime too. Food banks for the starving make victims jump through so many hoops to get food that it just isn’t worth the effort. Hungry victims are just better off rummaging through the garbage.

The US Government to whom our taxes are paid to protect us from financial abuse by financial institutions and abuse from other entities instead does nothing; they ignore crimes destroying lives from behind closed doors of secrecy.

One remark often coming from the general public about poor starving victims standing on street corners begging for $5.00 is cruel. From out of car door windows fly’s cash and yells “Why don’t you just get a job” then the driver hits the gas pedal and storms away in a shiny new vehicle with a huge loan against it? Unbeknownst to them, because of just this one loan they could be next, begging for money!

Well if these victims became such because they were victimized by a financial institution, they most likely can’t get employment or government assistance. This is the government punishment, a Mafia Hit, given for whistle blowing to the, US Attorney General, about outrageous federal crimes committed in this country against them by financial institutions. Therefore a customer with a trust account worth 80M$ can in an instant be rendered homeless and penniless as the financial institution steals every cent or illegally forecloses on any property their customer may own, even outright, with no loans against it. Yes, if a financial institution decides to attack their customer with embezzlement, extortion or laundering their funds they just arrogantly do it confident our US government will either sanction their deed or ignore it.

In other words ladies and gentlemen, we’re on our own. There’s no one to turn to if this kind of crime hits you or your family. The truth is the entities committing the crimes are our government leaders, authorities, financial elite, attorneys, judges and media while we continue to pay taxes, basically sanctioning these crimes, paying for their continuance; padding the pockets of those who committed the federal and other crimes.

We have no one on our side but each other and therefore it’s time to start reaching out to help and support each other. We must start considering that these outrageous crimes will continue since few of us seem to care about stopping them. I assume this is because we haven’t had our lives destroyed by federal crime yet. I guarantee we will in one form or another! It might attack through our pensions, insurance coverage and taxes or out and out theft of funds out of our, checking, savings, trust and stock accounts, but it will happen and when it does we’ll likely die in the streets feeling every last pain of starvation and exposure.

Ultimately these crimes are all to be blamed on the US Government because they allow the entities who commit them to do so with no consequences. For crying out loud, our children have more integrity before they're taught what it is!

The general public, still in denial, walks past homeless victims disgusted by a plight, soon to attack them. The government employees, those of the posse that is, trust they’ll never suffer anything like this. And, they’re hopping to be correct, though they are controlled like robots unable to use their God given talents.

We’re looking at another Hitler regime here! Does anyone get it?

And while many people wallow in jealousy over their neighbor who has more than they do, the financial institutions and our US Government are making sure no one flourishes. Those of us with money will have it stolen; those of us battling to make ends meet will never move past the battle. Those who work for the government have promises that they will always be taken care of but with the rest of society dying off from starvation and failed survival nothing new will ever be born; creativity bringing new ideas that made this country once great will be gone; government will no longer be able to pay employees even if they continue to steal funds from the rest of society to do so.

Wait a minute we’re already here! Hitler rules America! And a large number of us have drunk so much Kool-Aide we actually voted him back into office, or are the electoral votes still another American criminal enterprise?

Next, we’ll be marched into FEMA camps and murdered! Better yet the new and improved government murders take place like Larry, BuBu and mine are in process of. Embezzle and extort all we owned; refuse to investigate the federal crimes involved: mafia hit us to streets unable to get employment or government assistance where we’ll die! Have media announce our street deaths, and all others, as natural causes and hide, from the public, the federal crimes that put us there in the first place. Why? So the crimes may continue and come after you in the future. Why? Because the US Government wants all the money and you dead! And please don’t say to me, “Well this doesn’t concern us, we don’t have the money you had.” Oh my God, this isn’t the point! All assets from everyone, no matter how few or many, the government wants! And when you’ve been rendered penniless by the powers that be it doesn’t matter about how much was stolen; it matters that nothing will ever be done, and the conspiracy to silence & kill the victim is more outrageous than Hollywood could ever create.


Where are Larry, BuBu and I in this process? We’re somewhere between death and the media lying to you about cause!

Yes, and we’ve fought long and hard to survive for a good twelve years; even written books; scripts and articles as a way to inform others and save our lives, but it looks like our US government has won. As of December 1, 2012 Larry, BuBu and I will be on foot with nothing but what we can carry on our backs. Anything we have accomplished through the years, though there have been a number of angels along the way, has been through our efforts and now these will be lost while government officials follow me on Twitter? Not one, paid by our taxes, authority has helped.

The people who have helped certainly couldn’t afford to but did anyway, but no one has been able or willing to help save our lives, with a job for instance or purchase the books and scripts. In fact Larry and I just had our first offer to read one of our scripts a couple of weeks ago by someone in the movie industry who has many IMDB credits. It received a high five! But, still we’re on our way to live under a bridge or inside a cardboard box? What a waste of life and our work. What’s worse our work exposes these crimes, involving both liberals and conservatives, while helping society. So we can’t deter facts with the correct politics.I haven’t met a politician yet who isn’t a criminal!

We have managed through the assistance of a few more angels to get one of my books, self-published on Amazon and Smashwords. They loaned me money and gave of their time so this could be accomplished. Others have featured my book on their blogs and websites. A large number more are purchasing but we won’t see any money until the end of January 2013. I’ve waited over a year for Simon & Schuster and Random House along with two other large publishers who have my book proposal to accept or reject me. Needless to say they have done neither. So apparently along with the entire moral decay of America it’s acceptable, as four of the top publishing houses, to just ignore requested (by them) book proposals from authors?

No, my family and I may be going down but we’re not going calmly! Besides this, I know God’s on our side:>)

By: Deborah Breuner
Heiress Lives In A Tent

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gods's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!

Book cover to a saga that can save your financial lives; because you'll have knowledge for protection.

I’m not sure if there’s anything more painful in life than to know the family you've loved with all your heart for over forty years wants you dead! And these years pertain to your children only. You’ve got family of origin, excluding loving parents who died fifty years ago, extended family and 2 ex-husbands too. And you've known them for many more years longer.
They all want me dead!
Without knowing why you might come to a quick conclusion that I’m a problem of some kind? You know like mentally or physically ill, while sucking the life out of my family’s time? Or perhaps I’m a flaming bitch who makes others quiver whenever I’m present? But possibly I’m a drug addict or alcoholic? Perhaps I’m both! I could be ugly as sin and an embarrassment to all who are related to me and smell badly too?
Nope, none of the above!
My problem consists of being an heiress (but anyone with money who isn’t part of the posse would experience the same symptoms; finally death as well) which is a very dangerous disease and it kills; fortunately it isn’t communicable but if acquired, deadly! No one wants to put up with an heiress especially after they have embezzled, extorted and laundered her funds and she knows it. Looking at her everyday in the face is very painful and obnoxious. So the best advice a thieving family and a number of financial institutions can heed is kill the little bitch but do it right! Use the system and you’ll never get caught! Besides little Ms. Heiress should suffer long and hard because how dare she have money, in spite of the fact she’s extremely generous, and for her children even created trusts that would make their lives easier.
No being an heiress is a horrible disease, while the death process extremely painful. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy! What’s worse the greed that causes the long, slow death for the heiress usually consists of a village of financial elite, unethical attorneys and horrid family members, so difficult to lasso them all up and prosecute, or so I’m often told…might as well let the crimes go, it’s easier? Besides our US legal system protects them more than me. If not because the attorneys know how to keep things out of court: it’s because our legal system has loopholes in the laws that allow many delays leaving a case never to be resolved while little Ms. Heiress dies.
The dumb thieves drug their heiress putting her into a coma or mental hospital. Sometimes they just shoot her! The smart ones spend years in plan mode; gather other greedy financial villains, financial institutions and family members, behind Ms. Heiresses back, with promises to a cut of the pie. They consider the heiresses’ personality and commandeer family members to give her exactly what her dreams have always dictated.
She’s about wanting a loving family?
Did you know being poor because of unaddressed federal crimes puts you in a position to be punished further by society, laws, rules, authorities, government authorities and circumstances?
So there’s nothing to be done if you happen to have been of wealth and your funds were embezzled out of your trust account. You will die in the streets where all the other victims have vanished to if they weren’t drugged to death or shot in the head by a hired gun.

However you could write a book or five and adapt them all to scripts, thereby not only helping yourself but exposing secret information to the public that our US Government wants hidden concerning the financial institutions in this country The first book, God’s On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control is available starting tonight at 9:00PM PST on Amazon e-books: Enjoy

By: Deborah Breuner

Monday, November 12, 2012

Part 2; Shame On US

                                             Angel of Protection-Angels Wallpaper

               Barack Obama Devil hi-res  pictures
I woke up this morning freezing cold in spite of a small heater since our tent door will no longer zip; desperately needing a shower after three days with none; hungry as hell since all the two of us have had to eat in a week is soup twice a day. Thank God there’s plenty of dog food for BuBu:>)
What’s more our prospect for great success looks really good but we don’t have a cent to our name at the moment. Larry has three possibilities for employment; most likely hired, but the employers are in no hurry to cinch the deal. We really don’t know for sure what’s going on since both Larry and I have always had our own businesses, which should work, in our favor, but it doesn’t? Employers want to be able to ask another employer, who could be a psychopath mind you, if a job seeker is a good risk?
I’m wondering why employers can’t interview you and decide for themselves? And, anyone who’s had experience running their own business, (which they could verify by going to Google) knows more about the work ethic than many who haven’t, but…..
Also by November 20, 2012 my book should be ready to send to Amazon as an E-Book; twelve hours later the book will be available for sale. Sounds easy enough. Learning to write; punctuate and do exactly what agents and publishers demand is the hard part because they all want something different, while we were and still are dependant on the book to save our lives. We learned five years ago, the sale of our writing, whether it’s my books or the scripts Larry and I have written together, is our only hope to ever get our lives back. So on top of struggling to survive as in eating, having quarters to do laundry, living in a tent and earning money to sustain ourselves with no employment, we have been also struggling with the learning curb. It’s been very stressful to say the least. And now we no longer even have a car or cell phone and on December 1, 2012 we’ll be evicted from our tent.
Yes we’re in a time crunch, while our present situation was all brought on by unaddressed by government authorities federal crimes committed by a number of national financial institutions and trustees against my trust and me; eventually against Larry too. But the ultimate crime is that the government authorities, from behind closed doors of secrecy, ignore these crimes; the same crimes the public understands and believes they’re protected from by at present, Attorney General Holder, who’s job it is to launch investigations into financial institutions who unlawfully foreclose; embezzle, extort and launder funds out of your account; accounts like checking, savings, trust and stock accounts.
What we didn’t understand at the time of discovering these crimes, and still shocked about today is if a victim to federal crime, committed by financial institutions, reports the crimes to the proper authorities including and especially the attorney general they’ll get a “Mafia Hit” into the streets to die. There will be no investigation into the crime(s) in spite of the fact that the public might hear about one or two ongoing investigations into large stock brokerage houses from the media. These reports are bogus, meant to calm the public. And, here’s some proof to what I claim; you’ve never heard a word about KeyBank, NBD (Chase), Paine Webber (UBS), Shearson Lehman, McDonald Investments, Raymond James, or Edward Jones committing the crimes against us but from me. Many would say, “Well see it’s just you claiming this; there’s no proof.” I say, “Wrong! I have proof; this is why the ‘Powers That Be’ refuse to acknowledge my documents; conduct an interview; report the crime or answer my letters with anything more than ‘sociopathic obtusity’. The government and government authorities’ way of refraining from putting anything in writing that could incriminate them. And they can only be held accountable by the public, as there’s on one above them but the public. They also know the public, in general, won’t do anything but complain over social media so who cares?
Sounds like a Sunday night four-part mini-series doesn’t it?
What does the Mafia Hit look like? Well your credit will be unlawfully destroyed so just because of this, eliminating all other horrid acts, you and your spouse will be unable to retain employment; if before the federal crimes attacked, and destroyed your life you were self-employed, you’ll never get work unless you have a good friend who will hire you.  But more often than not this won’t work either because our government in cahoots with the financial institutions(s) who committed the horrid federal crimes also does a number on your reputation; it’s called defamation of character in the public sector; banks can do anything they want while never being held accountable.  And this defamation of your character will follow you the rest of your life, while no one will ever file a lawsuit over it or for any other broken law including federal crime a financial institution commits against you. Why? Well there are many devious reasons but the bottom line is twofold; federal crimes can only be addressed by government authorities who escape their responsibilities with lying form letters in response to a victims’ many complaints; the other reason is because, though an attorney might take your case on it’s normally for devious reasons; taking every dime you have left. Otherwise they’d prefer to represent the financial institutions where they know they’ll be paid. Destroyed by financial institution victims, although entitled to justice, aren’t good risks for any devious or honest law firm. And, to anybody without the experience and knowledge, about that which I speak, they’re going to judge you, mostly because they see the legal world not helping, so you’ve just lost another friend. Inexperience on their part, allows them to believe if the law isn’t helping you; or you’ve lost a lawsuit it must be because you’re in the wrong; the crimes of the financial institution are all in your head.
Well they just couldn’t be more incorrect, while the powers that be count on the public not believing you. And they have taken every step possible to make sure the public doesn’t.
Unfortunately the public has very little knowledge about what I’m talking about, unless they’ve been victims, and if they have they’re usually murdered before they get anyone to listen to them. Murdered by starvation, exposure and suicide. Charities and churches do not help; contrary to what the public has been assured of… contrary to what the public is lead to believe their federal taxes are used for.
From what I’ve witnessed, financial institutions can murder a customer and there will never be a word said. How do I know? Well because between the financial institutions and our US Government Larry and I are purposely and slowly being murdered and there’s proof they know all about it.
And here’s a telling question. Who’s ever going to hold the government and financial institutions accountable for the crimes they commit? No one, that’s why they commit so many and such huge ones. In my case they stole 80M$ out of my trust account and unlawfully foreclosed on two multi-million dollar homes. The more reports I filed with the government authorities against the financial institutions the more the crimes continued until Larry and I landed in the streets with no possible way to take care of ourselves other than what we could figure out that didn’t involve a credit check. This would be acting or writing. Larry and I have done both.
And, here’s something else I’ve learned. The public without insurmountable problems can’t survive in society today without great credit and you can’t have any credit score unless you’re paying bills and have a loan payment. So we’re forced into borrowing money in one way or another, which makes us vulnerable to financial institutions committing federal crimes against us. Plus if your credit is bad, accomplished by the crimes of your bank then you might as well stop living because if you don’t choose this route yourself, your circumstances will. Plus, with the inflated prices, few will ever regain their lives back, after a federal crime attack, by paying cash for anything, so the cycle starts again…the banks have a return victim.
The bottom line, serious financial crimes committed in this country by financial institutions or financial elite have a pass….they can commit any crimes they choose and get away with them. It’s part of “TheFort.” The fort consists of all those in this country whom are our leaders and the attorneys and media that help protect them.
This leaves the victims, of these horrendous financial crimes that render one homeless and penniless, to relying on their family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances for help, while the only help a victim will find is from acquaintances who often don’t have much more then they do. The victims to these federal crimes lose their family, friends and neighbors by the first rumor, all be it not true. And, the media purposely doesn’t help by instruction from the powers that be to spin reports towards the financial institutions against the consumer. Then the politicians, even in an election year, refuse to debate about these unlawful foreclosures and other outrageous federal crimes the financial institutions commit, and in doing so render whole families homeless, jobless and penniless to live in the streets. My question is, “Is the public so drunk on Kool-Aide that they don’t notice these crimes are being swept under the rug poised to attack them next?” We shouldn’t even consider voting for a candidate who won’t address these federal crimes and what he/she will do about them as president of the United States of America. This means none of the candidates, running this year, should have been considered presidential material. Yet, Obampadonk, worst president ever and proven not to be a citizen of the USA, gets voted in again? I’d rather believe the election was rigged than believe we Americans are this stupid.
If you’re having a difficult time understanding me, please read the I through V articles I’ve written and posted on my blog, Power Corrupts; Secret Power Corrupts Secretly
 So can you imagine what it’s like to live for twelve years under continuous federal crimes committed not only against my trust and me, but as extra punishment for Larry and my reporting the crimes, Larry’s life received a Mafia Hit too? We’ve had no way of surviving but by our own efforts without employment. It’s taken close to all these years to do it but we’ve had to sell everything we own, even finally my lovingly kept baby clothes I’d treasured belonging to my daughters after all Larry’s tools, our jewelry, sterling silver, antiques, furniture and family heirlooms had been sold. The lucky recipients of our treasures saw us coming so offered basically nothing, while most of the time the sales of our belongings coincided with our deep hunger pains; threats to losing Internet service where social media has become the only way to expose these crimes; more threats of being stranded from running out of gas in our truck; and/or loss of our cell phone service.
At this point we’ve had to sell our truck and the cell phone has broken. We have Internet until 7:00PM this evening, and then it too will be gone until we can pay for the computer time. We need computer time more than food at this point, and we actually have no food but peanut butter and crackers. The computer can finally pull us out of this mess, by the uploading of my book on Amazon E-Books. Yet, this is being threatened by not having the money to keep the service going! Wouldn’t you just know it?
But God has stepped in along the way every time we needed Him, so I expect He’ll do the same this time. I believe God wants we the people to know and face what we’re allowing our government to get away with in the United States of America. We need to be helping each other in doing our part to stop the corruption.
However we’re not helping each other but by the very few. Most of us are still busy judging the victims as the media, who actually knows the truth and has made the choice to lie, blasts out over the airways that the economy is improving. I’m sorry but after what we’ve experience, what the media is doing reminds me of a trick Hitler would play on unsuspecting Jews.
What’s worse, as if our struggle isn’t difficult enough, people instead of helping actually play mean tricks on us; lie; promise to help then purposely don’t and demand impossible feats a person with money couldn’t accomplish? This, in and of itself, makes our life miserable. Thank God for the few who have a soul. These people come into our lives at a time of greatest need and share something that will bring us food; warmth, a forum group on Twitter; computer time and lately a willing reader of our screenplay. Then just when we’re thinking we’ve run out of options on what to do next to stay alive; we’re receiving some extra cash for keeping the computer going and buy food from an angel across the country.
The public should know that the hoops one must jump through as a homeless, jobless, penniless citizen in order to eat would be impossible for the wealthiest to accomplish in order to eat if they somehow found themselves with no vehicle, food and an out of state drivers license. Pretty scary!
Right now our country is set up to kill victims of financial institution abuse! I’d guess ninety percent of America’s homeless; jobless and penniless are victims to this and unless they write a book or screenplay and still own a computer; they will die in the streets from starvation; neglect & exposure, feeling shame! It’s outrageous! And, there’s not proof yet that the writing will be the saving grace; we must pray that it is.

By: Deborah Breuner
Heiress Lives In A Tent

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Shame On US


                                           Oakland, California Breuner's Store 
                                           Senate Chamber, Sacramento, Califorina Capitol

Last week a friend, Rick who’s an actor sent me a tweet, “Be happy you’ve had wealth for over 50 years of your life; many people never have any money all their lives. So be grateful!”
When I read this I immediately found myself in the Twilight Zone feeling panic! In this case, reliving a traumatic experience.
Well Rick and I had already been discussing, over Twitter, he playing a part in the film about my life destroyed by corrupt financial institutions and evil unethical attorneys. After a bit of back & forth 140 character conversations I finally tweeted out that he should play the part of Catanzarite, the original author of the above quote.
Yes, Kenneth Joseph Catanzarite Esq. of the Catanzarite Law Corporation, not many more unethical, corrupt and evil than he is, and he’s a monster. Rick likes to play evil people like him.
Apparently my suggestion that he consider playing Catanzarite spurred his need to investigate this monster and as he did he came across the dreaded quote Catanzarite arrogantly said while representing me. He said this to me as he stole my two million dollar home in broad daylight unafraid of any conseqences to his actions. Today I understand why? The governing authority, the state bar, lovingly called CalBar, doesn’t care about these outrageous crimes attorneys commit against their clients. The state bars, from my experience with a number of them across the country are merely set up to protect their attorney members from being investigated, charged and prosecuted for committing  federal crimes & other criminal acts. Their other function is to go after attorneys whom they don’t like much, as in a witch hunt. Attorneys they want to scapegoat onto to avoid the whole corrupt lawfirm going down. An attorney who’s winning an honest battle in court for his client, while someone else doesn’t like this as it will take them down. Or maybe an attorney, who has a long lasting contract with a firm, while his/her colleagues want them out. There’s nothing like a ethical violation leading to suspension or loss of license to accomplish this.
So the state bars have their work cut out for them; very busy you know. They don’t have time to do their jobs, such as investigate and charge attorneys who continuously commit federal crimes against their clients.
I can understand as an actor why playing a part as a Catanzarite would be very rewarding…so colorful! In fact Rick found Catanzarite so colorful he plucked one of many of his outrageous quotes from an article I’d written and tweeted it out to me. Hence the quote above. But hey  all of Tweeter had the opportunity to see it along with my followers:>) Rick just loved the remark as an actor but he admitted in another tweet he wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of it.
I suppose there are people who don’t find this statement shocking, while they should. They just don’t have or understand the background to it or how it relates to them starting with our government. And they have no idea where the attitude behind the quote will lead them? Allow me to share:>)
 As a young girl, losing both my parents at 21 years old, I became extremely wealthy by the inheiritance left to me. I was worth four million dollars in 1969 the day my father passed away. Eleven months later upon my mother’s death, I was worth over four and a half million dollars and as the next ten years progressed I would receive more inheiritance as the attorneys sold off my parents holdings.  Most would think I was a very lucky girl to be so well taken care of financially, and in many ways I was, but I was not prepared for the abuse, being of wealth, would lead to for my entire life so far.
And this relates to anyone that may have more than someone else, no matter how they retained their good fortune. Then if they happen to be talented, creative, not too bad looking and loved, well they might as well go straight to hell! And, it takes many years for the victim to this attitude to understand what’s going on?
This is exactly how our USA Government treats the public, can you see it? Who learned what from whom? Well I believe we the people learn from the example our leaders give us and then pass this abuse down to each generation.
At one time Americans, most likely immigrants from foreign countries with highly skilled talent, were starting businesses in USA, employing workers and making lots of money. Most of these contributors to society were honest, making an honest living. And, back then they were highly respected for their skills as they should be. Everyone still today has the ability to learn skills that put them ahead only in what they can offer as far as creating a business and employing others who might prefer to work for another rather than develop a business. We are paid for our value as far as it relates to society. If we own a business that employs many people we deserve to aquire the fruits of this labor and be rewarded for our contribution; not taxed to death, a punishment for being creative, innovative, smart and a hard worker.
The criminals working in this capacity should be held accountable, but aren’t because many are in bed with our US corrupt government. The others are created by the US government’s crimes against them.
If I were a young person today seeing this, I’d dumb myself down, reject my abilities and talent; work for someone else, like the government, when I can while putting my hand out for charity towards the government. It doesn’t pay to be a innovator anymore and if they heard my story they’d realize most of society feels the same way. What a heritage to leave our children!
I recall when I was young, before other’s cruelty soaked into my soul, being proud of what my great grandfather Breuner, an immigrant from Germany, created. One thing he did back in 1856 in Northern California was build all 120 desks, by hand, still used, both in the Senate & Assembly Chambers in the Sacramento Capitol today. As he did this he created the John Breuner Furniture Co at 604 K Street in Sacramento, eventually growing into thirteen stores by the early 1960’s and by the end of 1979 there were thirty-three stores in Northern California, Reno Nevada and Scottsdale, Arizona.
My mother’s side of the family, Kaseberg was as impressive if not more so. My maternal great grandfather, also a German immigrant in the early 1800s worked hard supplying equipment to the workers of the Gold Rush. Took the money he earned and bought 80 thousand acres of land in Roseville, California raising European sheep for wool.  Both these family businesses sustained life for four generations and gave generously to their communities.
I was a very proud fourth generation Californian who carried, and still do, the same drive to create that my ancestors carried. It’s not about the money!
But it is to those in society who are jealous of this sort of heritage born of dreams, hard work and tenacity.  It doesn’t seem to matter whether these “wealth haters” are liberal or conservative; many are just plain jealous which makes them greedy; often times criminals.
Our government is jealous of people with dreams, creativity, tenacity and the willingness to work hard. They have made it impossible for people like those of my heritage to ever accomplish anything and if we should anyway, we’ll be punished with extra taxes; federal crime and financial abuse.
So knowing this, why would anyone with a dream want to employ people in order to make money to take care of themselves and family? I believe they’d find another way or move their growing businesses out of this country.
The only employed left at this point in America are government workers who hate their jobs; therefore don’t do them and yet get paid anyway. Politicians, bankers & attorneys are the next employed owning the ultimate in jealousy, greed and crime. Then there’s the homeless and penniless created by the jealous, greedy elite criminals.
So the jealousy and greed I grew up with, which has followed me all my life and continues, is the metaphor to what our government is doing to the public while the public in general hate me because I came from a proud heritage? In spite of the fact I now live in the streets, hungry and cold with no possible way to get employment I’m  still considered a “Rich Bitch” who deserves what I’ve got, which are purposely ignored, unaddressed federal crimes that destroyed my life. And these attacks are ultimately our United States of America government’s fault. You know the government workers and authorities who don’t do their jobs.
By the way I’m still proud of my heritage and believe in hard work, while enjoying creativity. This is what life is all about no matter where we come from. We all have something to contribute in a free society. Unfortunately we’re no longer free. And, the quote Catanzarite blurted out to me as my legal counsel is the belief today about anyone who’s ever accomplished anything, instead of respect and the creator's pride, for a job well done.
Today creators should feel shame; this comes from what our US Government is pushing and media spins!

Additionally I'm left with total respect for Rick, the actor, who finds my story worth making a film about. I assure you he has respect for heritage, creativity and hard work or he wouldn't have noticed.

By: Deborah Breuner
Heiress Lives In A Tent