God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!

God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014


This is Larry and my fifteenth Christmas dealing with the unaddressed financial crimes that started destroying our lives in 1999, we have gone without propane for heat and cooking, in the middle of winter, while sitting in our 2M$ home at eight thousand feet in Steamboat Springs, Colorado; we have gone without food; been scorned by ugly people for being illegally evicted from our home, by our own attorney, and left homeless and penniless; walked the streets of downtown LA’s garment district selling our fabric and beads from our business to get enough money to eat; we have lived in a tent for three years; our truck for a year. All the while seeking legal help for the horrendous financial crimes committed against my trust, Larry and myself by a number of national financial institutions, financial elite, attorneys and trustees; to no avail. We can’t even get the authorities to investigate these horrendous financial crimes, or find attorneys who will actually push for a trial; instead they withhold evidence from the judge, and we’ve been working on this since 2000.

We’re called losers! Not such for being big time losers of funds, assets and belongings; but losers for being a detriment to society; for telling the truth and exposing it. I'm called a whiner heir-ASS instead of an activist, who helps the public realize what the financial institutions are actually doing, which is how I see myself. I'm sure not everyone sees me like this, but the jealous I was once an heiress does! All I can say to this is, "Your loss!" Since I was once enmeshed in finances I know stuff many people may not! What I know concerns what the banks are actually doing, which many who haven't earned their fortune yet don't know about financial institutions. Believe me, the media won't tell you; you're safer with a victim who has experience!

Yes the perpetrators and the public calls us losers; that is all who are heartless and within hearing or seeing range of the media. And, not because we were unfortunate enough to have crimes committed against us; no; it’s because we are homeless and penniless as a result of these unaddressed financial crimes while being blamed for being homeless and penniless and not fixing our own problems? In fact just lately I was called an heir-ASS.

In my family, and also my husband’s, they are actually getting off on our homeless, penniless plight, brought on by unaddressed financial crimes; it apparently allows them to feel powerful? How do I know this? Actions speak louder than words and cruel people often use ugly words to justify their inaction!

With no home address one rarely gets employment and if one doesn’t have a drivers license, they can’t get one without a home address; without one they can't get employment, and if you have no money you can't get a driver's license nor can you without a birth certificate and if you're homeless and penniless you’ve most likely lost your birth certificate and without a license you can't get a notary to sign a request for a new birth certificate. All the while heartless public and family judge you for being a loser; basically resent even the thought of helping you in any way! Again I'm called an heir-ASS by Larry's sister.

And this is what kind of losers we are; http://bespokebydeborah.com/; losers often don't work this hard.

However our careers and work ripped from us by financial crimes never addressed by the proper authorities!

And, this my friends is the real reason for the homeless and penniless in this country; no one in leadership does their job; any other reason for this problem is media spinning LIES!

So when was the last time financial crimes threw you into the streets with six dogs, ten years ago, no money and no home to go to, while the proper authorities refuse to do their jobs and the media refuses to expose these horrific circumstances that lurk within your neighborhoods. And one side of your family hates helping, while the other refuses to even talk to you because they are at the bottom of all the financial crimes that have destroyed your lives?

Well I’m sure there are some of you who can claim the same experiences but rarely can we come together, sharing and helping each other; we’re all busy merely surviving.

Tell me what would you do? Walk away from all this crime when rebuilding your lives is as difficult as having been hit by all this unaddressed financial crime; perhaps more difficult; illegally destroyed credit follows us even into employment opportunities. Yet, our families, well Larry's family anyway, beats us up for being losers rather than being empathetic towards our challenges. My family, is actually part of the original crimes committed against me that eventually attacked Larry too! Why would they ever want to face me?

Well we’re again spending Christmas in a motel room; completely penniless; can’t even pay for our room on Friday before noon; have Larry’s family sending hate emails to me because of the truth I spoke of in my last article; BuBu is ill with an infected foot; and Larry’s hip has gone out; he can’t walk without crutches. I’m doing whatever I can to get a portion of our business started again; have been attempting to for a number of years, using Indiegogo and approaching investors. However, because of the unaddressed financial crimes that have destroyed our credit, apparently investors, so far, aren’t interested for this reason? Those who visit Indiegogo, can’t help but see our plight because I lack the ability to do what most others, seeking contributions, can do? We don’t have the resources they have. Yet, I still try.

We are fortunate because Larry finally has excellent employment, yet he works mostly on commission and it takes time to gain clientele. Besides this both Larry and I have spent the last 2 years working at jobs people with bad credit get...and the employers are usually abusive of us. I've even worked as a maid in a motel, so it disgusts me to hear people call me an heir-ASS, such as Larry's sister calls me, in writing.

Still, we’re considered losers and many in the public believe this about us, and the many other Americans, suffering from unaddressed financial crimes are seen the same way!

I believe this issue right here is the biggest problem we have in this country; people not stopping to lend a hand –up to their suffering neighbors. We need many more, open hearts, and they just aren’t out there; perhaps this is because they too are severely suffering and family these days is a place to go and get emotionally annihilated with abuse!

All I know is with all our horrific challenges, no family who chooses to see and understand our real plight, there are still good people in the world. One such is Larry’s new boss at the gallery, who went out of his way to pay for one week of our stay in the motel; picked up crutches for Larry and delivered them to our motel, so Larry could get to work. Mind you Larry couldn’t get out of bed without them unless I helped him. On top of this Larry’s boss slipped me a few twenty-dollar bills so we could eat this Christmas Eve and said basically (paraphrased) “ This is all the cash I have on me at the moment; don’t worry we won’t let you fail. Let me know if there’s anything more I can do; how about dog food? No one should spend Christmas without food. Oh and how’s BuBu?”

Tears ran down my face in gratitude:>)

Mind you Larry’s boss has been overwhelmed with running the gallery; visiting and supporting his wife who’s in the hospital with brain cancer and taking care of issues related to new hires at work, such as Larry. He’s a good caring man. Additionally, we're grateful that during our fifteen year journey through hell there have been many other angels, like him, at the right time and place. He's our current angel:>)

It seems Larry’s boss was able to bring his wife home for Christmas, while giving us a hand-up. It’s so nice to know Christmas is still alive and that Larry and I have landed in a place where support and caring live.

Merry Christmas to everyone and also to all our past and current angels! God Bless you:>)

By: Deborah Breuner
Heiress Lives In A Tent

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