God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!

God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!


Monday, September 24, 2018


What I’ve learned about being an heiress in the United Sates of America...even if what I’ve acquired most from my heritage is my ancestor’s work ethic.

This should be enough in the land of the free...the United States of America.

Truth is the United States of America has never been free...it’s a lie and always has been.

Sadly I can only use my great work ethic today to merely breathe.

The first truth is the Liberals, and the pretend Conservatives, say I deserve what has happened to me.

So you think what has occurred in my life doesn’t effect you because you aren’t considered one of the 99Percenters; you’re not an heir or heiress?

First of all a true 99 Percenter would be only those people in society making money off the US Government, by being paid horrific amounts of money and not doing their jobs.

There are many people who come by their wealth by working hard and offering something of quality that the public wants.

This is called knowing your craft and your customer; understanding how to run a business.

So if you think the crime and corruption that has destroyed my life dosen’t concern you, because you’re not an heir or heiress yet, then you either work for the US Government or you’re not planning to be successful in your business, career or life.

I’ve always been stunned by the jealous and greedy in society of those who have created their own business and income, or those who acquired an income from receiving an inheritance; both business and inheritance created by the hard work of those who trekked before.

Why aren’t these jealous people instead taking a job with the company and people they are jealous of, learn from them and then go out and create something better?

It’s so bad in this country, if you’re like me, mostly minding your own, with a dream of creating your own business using hard earned talent, you’ll lose it all in a split second by the hands of the jealous, sanctioned by our own US Government.
In fact the jealous and greedy can most often be the US Government.

So the second fact I’ve well learned is the powerful financial institutions are seizing the publics’ homes and funds sanctioned by the US Government. I know this because this is what my financial institution did to me. I owned my home on ten acres outright; paid cash for it; added to this I was worth millions of dollars that ultimately were embezzled, which the financial institution is responsible for in the end. My home(s) completely paid for with cash, while the Government authorities refuse to investigate what the public calls unlawful foreclosures, when in reality many of these properties are seized and the media remains mute.

It’s like a lying sociopath will often reveal a small truth, making himself or herself appear like they’re repenting their sins, but the big sin still remains...in this particular case, it’s making noise about illegal foreclosures while the powerful Government is sanctioning the financial institutions to seize homes and funds straight out of bank accounts of any kind...including stock portfolios and 401Ks...just because they want to!

Thirdly, there are plenty of laws on the books in the USA but they aren’t upheld, so if anyone, from the powerful financial institutions, authorities, law firms, attorneys, courts, or government want to commit grand larceny, or any other horrific crime, against you it’s perfectly acceptable.

You will not retain justice! You will only be allowed to rebuild your life with chains wrapped around your ankles, wrists, and doing so while you own nothing at this point, not even a car.

Your credit destroyed unlawfully.

So if you think creating your own business is difficult, you should see what it’s like to recreate your life after federal crimes take it away and the authorities so nothing!

Forthly, the churches and charities are criminal enterprises in the USA, so no matter how severe the damage is to your life, because of financial and real estate crime committed by the powerful in this country, you will never get any help from these entities; Instead about all you’ll receive are abuses and lies.

Fifthly, because the media are owned by those powerful who stole everything from you, they remain silent on the truth; actually expose lies to the public about the homeless and penniless; why they have become this way so victims to the crimes lose all their friends and family members on top of the loss of all they owned. In fact retaining employment is almost impossible because in the USA one is considered a criminal if they have become a victim of financial or real estate crime.

And should you be a victim of our corrupt CPS, you will as well be either fired from your employment or you’ll be eliminated as a prospective employee.

My Larry and I have been working almost full time seeking employment since 2007, once the last penny we had, was gone, along with our once thriving business, and home, because of financial and real estate crime; usually we either aren’t considered for the usual reasons, (age, lack if employee experience, or years not employed but instead an employer) or
because we have been hit with all this federal crime. Up until this current year we have obtained employment here and there in foreign states, this year the employers have actually fired us because of the crimes committed against us.

I believe the lying, by both default and pure misleading untruths, of the media, to be at fault for this. And who is the media owned by?

Well by those committing the financial, real estate and CPS crimes against the public...ultimately our US Government!

You ask what you could possibly learn from an heir or heiress?

Well here it is, simply. You’ll learn what will happen to you, your assets and funds at midlife or later once you’ve become a multimillionaire, and did so while not connected to the US Government either by employment of donations.

Because I’m victim to this, and by the grace of God somehow still alive, I can actually help you avoid the same demise of your life and that of your immediate family...financially.

Instead what I’ve observed, as I did as a child, is jealousy that I was once an heiress to millions of dollars.

The point is if you haven’t yet retained your millions, you don’t know how you could lose them all by going to the experts whom have yet to make their millions or are working to some extent for the US Government.

And your minimum wage money manager is likely jealous of you and wants your funds; not manage them for anyone but themselves, while they know they’ll likely never be held responsible for embezzling them.

That’s it in a nutshell folks! It’s the American Holocaust!

And since the public have yet to join together and do something, you better figure out how to get around all this unaddressed by the proper authorities federal crime, and save yourself.

You see, the federal crimes committed by the powerful in this country, sanctioned by the US Government are meant to cause your death.

I can certainly lead you in the right direction....if you choose to live.

By: Deborah Breuner Davis
Heiress Lives In A Tent


  1. I'm there...I usually have a pic of "Betreyalby Family is gthe ULTIMATE Betreyal" and " Shame that the ones youde drake the Bullet For ...are the Ones Pulling the Trigger!"

  2. I am thinking we should organize
