God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!

God's On Our Side, Sweetie! But The Devil Has Control!


Wednesday, October 19, 2016


My name is Deborah Breuner (Davis) and I grew up about 6 doors down from President Reagan when he was Governor of California. I was 16 years old at the time. Reagan also kept his horses on my mother’s ranch in Roseville, California. He and I would have the occasional picnic, upon a bench my mother created as a child between two Oak Trees, under the watchful eyes of his security detail. It was and is an extremely fond memory of mine.

The reason I am writing you is in hopes I might be able to help the Trump Campaign shed some light on what I see is the problem with this country.

You see I was once worth millions of dollars, until my trustee’s and a number of crooked lawyers stole it all. You know the kind of lawyers I am talking about. If they aren’t stealing from people personally, they are doing so from Washington DC.

What I’ve learned is this; certain kinds of Liberal’s like Obama, Hillary Clinton and their kind have created a country where hard work is a thing of the past. This attitude has trickled down to where if you work for the Government you not only don’t have to do your job, your co-workers encourage you not to.

President Reagan earned his money before he chose to enter politics very much like Donald Trump. The Liberal’s like the Clinton’s and the Obama’s got into politics to get rich by any means possible. Anyone who can’t see what is going on is obviously this kind of Liberal; sometimes they pretend to be Republican’s…kind of like Michele pretending to be female.

Until someone says “You’re Fired” this country of ours is up the creek without a paddle.

Remember the millions I mentioned earlier? I am now penniless, at 68 years old, and have one foot in the street because of the ineptitude of these Liberals. My husband and I lost everything, in 2007, and actually lived in a tent for 3 years, our truck for another year and it gets worse from here. All because of unaddressed by the proper authorities financial crime. In fact the first financial crime was committed against my trust and myself by a well-known pillar of society who sits high above us all in Washington DC. Trust’s legally protect assets, but not anymore! You ask how I can prove this, it’s simple, I’ve written a six-volume memoir and a couple of blogs where I name names and list documents of proof. No one has sued me for defamation, because I’m telling the truth and been doing so since 2000, while not one authority will do their job.

The criminal’s quest is to render one penniless, there’s nothing to be done at this point.

However, it's hardly about the horrific financial crimes that have been committed against us, now, by financial elite and financial institutions; it's more about the many, many authorities that purposely ignore these crimes from the police all the way up to the Supreme Court of The United States and every authority in between.

It's about voting into office, if our votes actually count, criminals like the Clinton's who have been proven to be criminals and yet they are poised to continue to be a, pathetic, example to the citizens of this country...again?

None of the other issues, in this current campaign, mean a thing if the financial elite continue to steal the publics' assets from checking, savings, trust, stock and 401K accounts, as well as illegally foreclose on property, while the authorities ignore it all; just like the Clinton's crimes are ignored!

In fact, and I quote my business partner/husband's brother who said when he landed a job with the state of California, (Government) "I'll never have to work another day in my life."

Need I say more?

Should someone from the Trump Campaign, or other interested party, wish to speak to me I can be reached by email below.

Thank you for your time.

Deborah Breuner (Davis)

Below Please see letter I wrote to Dennis Michael Lynch, forwarding to him the above letter to President Trump...Hopefully

Dear Mr. Lynch,

I’ve just recently learned of you; don’t know where I’ve been as to not notice your great work until now? Perhaps busy fighting for my life as many other Americans, in my shoes, have been and still are. In fact in my humble opinion I’d say what’s happening in this country is very much like what has already occurred during the holocaust.

I believe we’re witnessing a holocaust now.

And, this fact is never the topic of conversation, instead people skirt over it saying, “Yes I know you’re right” and then off they go to live their day in denial.

Obviously these particular individuals have yet to experience what I have.

Trump isn’t even talking about the subject and it’s the foundation of this country. Well he may discuss the people working government jobs that should be fired, but he speaks of this globally; he doesn’t get down to brass tacks and claim one of the main problems in this country.

The financial institutions and financial elite are stealing funds out of checking, savings, stock, 401K’s and named trusts while all the authorities including the government ignore it. The attorneys and courts work together to keep these cases from ever seeing a courtroom and this includes most of the illegal foreclosures too, while the media purposely refuses to expose these atrocities.

No matter what other issues concern the United States this fact must be attended to first…unless of course we are witnessing a holocaust. Then I’d say we’re all doomed and we might as well sit back and wait for death.

My personal story is almost twenty years old now and I’ve been battling everyday since the onset, except when I’m writing the sixth volume of my memoir or screenplays with my business partner/husband, Larry.

You can Google my name Deborah Breuner Davis, or just Deborah Breuner and you’ll see this ugly story unfold. Please visit my blog at;


You might want go back to 2012 when I first launched this blog; many facts start being exposed from the beginning. Included on my blog are some documents of proof to my situation. In fact my blog is a roadmap to how horrendous financial crimes are purposely ignored in this country.

Now after my twenty years of this I can make a very clear statement of truth amongst many others I’ve made over the years and managed to show up on Google.

Crimes such as those purposely committed against me and then purposely ignored by the proper authorities are not only destroying lives financially, but they are destroying relationships with family and friends, because when they see that the authorities do nothing, while they have yet to experience what we the victims have, they assume we are “Crazy” so they exile us from their lives. They have no clue to how corrupt the financial institutions; authorities and courts really are in this country because the media hides it all.

I know, as many other parents have, I taught my children, as they grew up, to respect the authorities so now when they see the authorities and courts turn their back to these crimes committed against me…well you can only imagine. I can tell you my friends whom I proudly still called friends from the time I was three years old now see me as crazy.

Needless to state again, these unaddressed by the proper authorities financial crimes are destroying lives and relationships and without this addressed no president, no matter of what political party will ever set this country straight.

Since you’re exposing what the MSM refuses to address, I’m hoping you’ll expose my story and that of others like mine. Believe me there are many of us. I alone know at least twenty families suffering as much as we are; homeless and penniless; living in and out of the streets, while they were once active citizens employing many people in our businesses. They are all destroyed now by financial crimes committed by those they should have been able to trust.

I have copied and pasted a recent letter I’ve written to Donald Trump below and attached it in pdf to this email.

Thank you for your time.

Deborah Breuner (Davis)

Below please see another letter to Donald J Trump from a victim of horrendous unaddressed by the proper authorities financial crime;

Dear President Trump, (We’re hoping)

My name is Carla Glade; I’m a paralegal and have been for many years. I mention my career so you’ll understand that I actually know the laws while I watch the authorities in this country completely ignore the outrageous financial crimes taking place against many Americans by the financial elite, the legal world, authorities, (mostly government), attorneys, courts and of course the media who refuse to expose it all.

You Mr. Trump can actually make a difference, in this country, if you concentrate on the fact that no government employee in America does their job while the financial crimes going unaddressed are destroying lives and families. Citizens of this country are ending up in the streets, homeless and penniless. My family and I have been struggling with, horrible financial crime committed against us since 1993; unaddressed by the correct authorities and government personal.

My question to you is, how can a society function if the citizens can no longer function because of financial crimes, committed against them by the powerful, that render them homeless and penniless?

I believe you see and understand this.

If I can help in your campaign in any way just contact me below. I’m pretty limited because of my dire situation but I can make phone calls.

Carla Glade

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